Lilongwe Vocational Training Center

About LVTC

Lilongwe Vocational
Training Center

Lilongwe Rotary Club established Lilongwe Vocational Training Centre (LVTC) as a World Community Services Project in 1989. The Centre was set up to provide individualized vocational assessment and training to youths with disabilities to enable them acquire basic skills that could help them earn a living and achieve a measure of independence upon returning to their respective communities.

The initial operation of the Centre was financed by a Rotary Internationals Health, Hunger and Humanity Grant (1989-1990). After running the Centre for a year, the Rotarians handed the institution over to Malawi Council for Disability Affairs (MACODA), being a government agency on the empowerment and social economic integration of persons with disabilities in Malawi.

LVTC has a capacity to train 112 youths with various disabilities per intake and can accomodate two intakes a year. The Centre is currently open even to non-disabled persons who may wish to develop their vocational skills for self as well as open or sheltered employment. Its guiding vision is inclusive in nature.


Courses On Offer

  • Financial Accounting
  • Information & Communication Technology
  • Rural Community Development
  • HIV/AIDS Management
  • Computer Engineering
  • Secretarial Studies
  • Computer Packages
  • Tailoring & Designing
Cormercial Section

The cormecial setion of LVTC produces Carpentry and Tailoring products. They produce quality products such as office furniture, school desks, beds, uniforms, working suits and other things.